Living Green Walls

Living Green Walls 

are panels of plants, grown vertically using hydroponics, 
on structures that can be either free-standing or attached to walls

Living green walls are also referred to as 
Vertical Gardens . Green Walls . Living Walls . Ecowalls

Key Benefits

Key Benefit #1: Improve Air Quality

Indoor air pollutants have been ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health: Stagnant indoor environments allow pollutants to build up and stick around in greater amounts than we humans should be breathing in. Living and working in places with air contaminants and lacking decent ventilation can cause "sick building syndrome," which can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and eye, ear, and nose irritation. 

Lucky for us, NASA scientists have been working to understand this problem and find solutions. Their space-age solution was an easy one that anyone can use: Use houseplants to clean the air .

The NASA Clean Air Study results suggest that certain common indoor plants may provide a natural way of removing toxic agents such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air, helping neutralize the effects of sick building syndrome.

Key Benefit #2: Pleasing to the Senses
  1. Brings the outdoors indoors. The suggestive sense of the outdoors and open space is just what the doctor ordered for comfort, mental clarity, peace and overall well-being.
  2. Flexibility of  design options offer unique and open to limitless possibilities and applications. Many may view it as a creation of a piece of art with boundless shapes, colors, and aromas. or as perfect backdrop to for commercial and advertisement purposes. 
Key Benefit #3: Financial Reasons
  1. Green building practices are more likely to attract grants and subsidies that demonstrate environmental stewardship, increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. These thick walls regulate temperature, by providing for great insulation, and saving energy.

Careful and thought-out process is necessary to maintain the integrity of the Green Wall vision in the final product

  • Moisture proofing the wall
  • Constructing the framework
  • Installing additional support
  • Installting irrigation and drain details
  • Install the greenery

- References & Sources -

GSky Plant Systems: 
Living Wall | Vertical Garden | Green Wall
Founded in 2004 and with offices in Delray Beach, Florida and Vancouver, British Columbia, GSky® Plant Systems, Inc. is a leading provider of vertical Living Green Walls in North America, Europe, Australia and the Middle East. The company was founded based on the explosive growth of green technology. GSky® Living Green Walls are irrigated by low flow drip emitters on programmable controllers and in many cases can be equipped with recycling components to create an extremely efficient low water usage system.

NASA Clean Air Study
The problems of indoor air pollution have been studied and documented

Planting Healthier Indoor Air 
Claudio L. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2011;119(10):A426-7


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